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    Dr Jane Eastham

    PhD, MA, BSc

    Associate Head of Department

    Photograph of Jane

    Jane Eastham (PhD) Has a range experience in the marketing, organisation, management and delivery of food and events for the 91ÇÑ×Ó, corporate and private sectors. She has also had a significant level of experience of both teaching and course development and administration in the  food, tourism and business management courses.

    Her particular research interests lie in small business management, cooperative activity and supply chain management. Collective activity is seen to be critical in enabling market access for micro, small and medium sized enterprises, work undertaken by Jane examines the appropriateness of diverse collective governance in varied business environments.  Particular interests relate to the implications of market conditions and structures on the effective delivery of economic and social value to businesses operating in the varied collective models.

    She has been an external examiner in logistics and supply chains at the Open University, Manchester Metropolitan University and Waterford Institute of Technology, where she examined a range of modules.

    She has published key texts and papers on food supply chain management and collective activities in food. Her PhD thesis looked at the success of marketing cooperatives in the UK agricultural sector but she has also researched into cooperatives in China, particularly in the Topfruit sector. She has furthermore presented papers on local food initiatives and the impact of such initiatives on the  economic development of regions.

    Professional Memberships

    Jane is a board member of ISLE and a member of ISPERA,

    Academic Department: 91ÇÑ×Ó Adams Business School

    Tel: +44 (0)1952 81 5225

    X (Twitter):

    Office: 70 Jubilee Adams, Tudor Lodge and NW Building

    Research profile:


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    is a joint repository for research outputs designed to capture the work of individuals and institutions who are Members of GuildHE.

    Other 91ÇÑ×Óations

    • Jane Eastham (2017) Defining food the implications for food supply chains (in Ed. Eastham et al., 2017. Contemporary issues in food supply chains )
    • Jane Eastham (2017) chapter 4 Supply chains and Horizontal and Vertical Integration, co-ordination through the supply chain (in Eastham et al., 2017. Contemporary issues in food supply chains.)
    • Agiar, L and Eastham J. 2017. The role of urban and peri-urban agriculture in food security and resilience (2017) The role of urban and peri-urban agriculture in food security and resilience (In Eastham et al.,2017. Contemporary issues in Food supply chain)
    • Eastham J. and Thelwell, S. (2017) Food miles versus Lifecycle:GHG the way to go! (in Eastham et al., 2017)
    • Swinscoe A., Andrew E. and Eastham J. (2017) British food and the emergence of local food initiatives (in Eastham et al., 2017. Contemporary issues in food supply chains )
    • Eastham J. Aguiar, L. and Thelwell, S. (2017) Contemporary issues in Food supply chains
    • Eastham, J. F. (2014) An analysis of the success of UK agricultural marketing cooperatives: can they effectively redress power imbalances in current market conditions? Diss. University of Birmingham.
    • Eastham, J. ( 2014) (2014) Producer Organisations- the way forward? Journal of Co-operative Studies 47:3, winter 2014: 50-54
    • Eastham J. (2013) Local food, interpretation, and socio-economic impact, Food studies conference, Champaign - Urbana, October
    • Eastham J . (2012) Challenges for procurement in the UK hospitality industry EuroChrie, Lausanne, Switzerland
    • Eastham, J. F. (2008) The growth of Chinese apple production Sheffield Hallam University, Orchards and Groves conference, September 2008.
    • Cox A. and Eastham J. (2007) . (2007) Collaborating with the Supermarkets: The Impact of Multiple Retailer Category Management on Growers and Grower Co-operatives, IPSERA conference March 2007.
    • Eastham, J.F. (2007) Tales of three markets, in Ed. Sharples et al Food and Wine festivals, Butterworth Heinemann.
    • Eastham, J.F. (2005) Farmers market, here to stay, ICASS, Warsaw, June 2005
    • Eastham J. F. (2003) Farmers’ markets - a new dawn? – An evaluation of the impact of rural policy on rural areas under New Labour –masters Dissertation
    • Eastham J.F. ( (2003) Valorising through tourism in rural areas, moving towards regional partnerships, in Food Tourism eds. Sharples L and Hall C.
    • Eastham, Sharples and Ball, (2001) Food supply chain management
    • Eastham, J.F. (2000) Longitudinal study of the development of interfirm relations between wholesale market traders and independent caterers, EuroChrie April, 1999, Surrey.
    • Eastham J.F. (2000) Sourcing issues for the Organic food: - How green can organic be. EuroChrie Conference April, 2000
    Additional Information

    Current research interests


    • Marketing Channels in developing countries
    • collaborative governance structures in agri-food chains - the contingent dimensions of success
    • Agri-terrorism
    • sustainable innovative supply chains

    PhD supervision

    • currently supervising research into marketing channel choice of rice growers in Thailand
    • Masauda Abuarosha (2013)
    • Fatima Sad (2015) the libyan fisheries sector and application of porters diamond
    • Mohammed Ali (2009) Drivers and obstacles to the delivery of organic supply chains in the UK


    • Bramley report – presented to the  English Top fruit sector in March 2007. London . EPRSC funded event
    • Evaluation of competitive position of Robert Mitchell brothers: an examination of the profitability and leverage of the position of a top fruit grower supplying into the multiple retail sector, Presented Birmingham 2006.
    • EPRSC report on findings of the food and farming industry , July 2007
    • Tool kit presented to the Church of England Sinod , September 2005.
    • Evaluation of the farmers market in Askern, findings on impact on the Askern retailers presented in 2005 ( June)
    • Fresh produce wholesale and independent catering UK
      3 reports - in collaboration with the Fresh produce forum, ISCAN - published by the DTI 1997
      report 1 - The catering market size and structure
      report 2 - The Catering market in Yorkshire and the Humber
      report 3 - Supply to the catering market UK
    • Case study Bothams - DTI 91ÇÑ×Óation in conjunction with ISCAN

    Conference Papers/Papers/Pamphlets

    • Eastham J. (2013) Local food , interpretation, and socio-economic impact, Food studies Journal, Chicago  pending.
    • Eastham J. (2013) Local food , interpretation, and socio-economic impact, Food studies conference, Champaign - Urbana, October 2012.
    • Eastham J (2012) Challenges for procurement in the UK hospitality industry - EuroChrie, Lausanne, Switzerland.
    • Eastham, J. F. (2008) The growth of Chinese apple production - Sheffield Hallam university , Orchards and Groves conference, September 2008.
    • Cox A. and Eastham J. (2007)Collaborating with the Supermarkets: The Impact of Multiple Retailer Category Management on Growers and Grower Co-operatives , IPSERA conference March 2007.
    • Eastham , J.F. (2005) Farmers market, here to stay, ICASS , Warsaw, June 2005
    • Eastham J.F. (2000) Sourcing issues for the Organic food: - How green can organic be. Eurochie Conference April,2000
    • Eastham, J.F. (1999) Longitundinal study of the development of interfirm relations between wholesale market traders and independent caterers,Europchrie April ,1999, Surrey.
    • Eastham J.F. (1998) Is catering culture different issues for the development of Inter-firm relationships ICCAS 1998 Bournemouth.
    • Eastham J.F. (1997) Problem solving growth for the independent service sector, ALPS conference, Sept 1997, Brussels.
    • Eastham J.F. (1997) Developments in the food chain and the implications for independent caterers. Eurochie Sheffield
    • Eastham J.F. (1996) Incorporating customer choice in Menu planning, ICCAS conference June 1996, Bournemouth.
    • Eastham J F. & Drew K (1993) Service Quality Management, given at the 1993 IAHMS meeting Gothenburg.



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